Crack filling


Why crack seal an asphalt a residential driveway or parking lot: Cracks in asphalt pavements allow moisture to penetrate the surface which causes potholes, cracks and eventually total asphalt failure. Failure to seal cracks results in further cracking, and will lead to expensive asphalt replacement.


  1. Saves You Money - For pennies on the dollar, you can avoid costly asphalt replacement with crack sealing performed by professionals. The cost of replacement can be 20 – 30 times more expensive than a single maintenance procedure.

  2. Prolongs Pavement Life - Routine Maintenance (proper crack sealing and seal-coating) can double the life of your asphalt. Crack sealing is the SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT STEP you can take to prolong the life of your asphalt.

  3. Slows Oxidation - Left untreated, cracks allow water into and beneath the base which leads to pavement failure. Water is the number one enemy of asphalt.

  4. Prevents Water Penetration - Weather-proofing agents repel water – the number one enemy of asphalt. Asphalt is naturally porous; left unsealed, water will penetrate through the pores and cracks and disturb the base – eventually leading to failure of the pavement.

  5. Improves Appearance - First impressions of your home or place of business are greatly enhanced with a deep, rich, satiny black finish.Easy- Takes us minutes, and DONE!

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